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Promec Business Principles
In line with our core values, our vision and our mission, PROMEC Industrial Services conducts its business according to the following principles:
Anti-Bribery and Corruption (ABC):PROMEC shall conduct its business to the highest ethical standards at all time, ensuring transparency and earning the trust of its partners and stakeholders. All our staff and contractors shall be required to make declarations on conflicts of interests and gifts and entertainment as soon as they occur, and to make annual declarations at the end of every year, whether or not such incidents occurred.
Health, Safety and Environment (HSE): PROMEC takes HSE with utmost seriousness, and manages HSE as part of the non-negotiable core of our reputation and continued existence.
Economic principle: PROMEC strives to make profit from its business activities in order to sustain excellent service delivery to our clients, give our shareholders reasonable returns on their investment, demonstrate responsible citizenry in our CSR space, and stay on track with our vision and mission.
Non-Political Affiliations: PROMEC does not sponsor or support any political party. Our staff however have the right to exercise their freedom of political association as citizens of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.
Respect for Human Rights: PROMEC commits to respect the rights of its staff and all other persons it may interact with from time to time.
Confidentiality of Information: PROMEC commits to treat all information in accordance with the provisions of extant Acts on Data and Information Protection.
Responsibility to Stakeholders: PROMEC is committed to proactively engage with its shareholders, staff, contractors, clients, government agencies, business partners and its host communities. We will listen and respond to them in an honest and responsible manner.